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  • Brand new DNA formula.
  • Fast, soft and superior grip.
  • Best wheel in the world over rough terrain (pebbles, debris, sand, water, etc).
  • Made in USA.
  • All DNA formula wheel purchases comes in sets of 4 wheels total.
  • BrandneueDNA Formel.
  • Schnell, weich und überlegener Grip.
  • Welt bestes Rad auf rauen Terrain (Sand, Wasser, Kies, Schutt, ect.)
  • Hergestellt in den USA.
  • Alle DNA Formel Räder werden als 4 Rad Set geliefert.
  • Fórmula de DNA completamente nueva.
  • Rápido, suave y de agarre superior.
  • La mejor rueda del mundo para terrenos accidentados (piedras, escombros, arena, agua, etc.).
  • Fabricado en EE.UU.
  • Todas las compras de ruedas de fórmula de DNA vienen en juegos de 4 ruedas en total.
Weight 1 kg

3 reviews for 72 mm, 78A – BLACK DNA

  1. Ali T.

    72mm DNA
    Super comfortable for cruising

  2. Jacob

    Amazing product

    I honestly bought these thinking that they wouldn’t make much of a difference as to how my riding felt. But after putting them on and riding I found that my ride have been made much smoother. These wheels were definitely worth it and I love them

  3. Niklas Brandt

    Feels a lot safer riding on gritty asphalt and “tree debris”, especially in Fall season. Ride is much more smooth, totally recommend!

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