- Brand new DNA formula.
- Fast, soft and superior grip.
- Best wheel in the world over rough terrain (pebbles, debris, sand, water, etc).
- Made in USA.
- All DNA formula wheel purchases comes in sets of 4 wheels total.
- BrandneueDNA Formel.
- Schnell, weich und überlegener Grip.
- Welt bestes Rad auf rauen Terrain (Sand, Wasser, Kies, Schutt, ect.)
- Hergestellt in den USA.
- Alle DNA Formel Räder werden als 4 Rad Set geliefert.
- Fórmula de DNA completamente nueva.
- Rápido, suave y de agarre superior.
- La mejor rueda del mundo para terrenos accidentados (piedras, escombros, arena, agua, etc.).
- Fabricado en EE.UU.
- Todas las compras de ruedas de fórmula de DNA vienen en juegos de 4 ruedas en total.
Weight | 1 kg |
@t_0_m_3_k –
Was very curious how a square wheel would roll…but (wo)man, these beautiful creatures just make my cruiser the coolest, weirdest, eye opening, astonishing thing ever on the road here in the neighbourhood.
They roll like So smooth, give you all the necessary grip and make off-roading feel like the smoothest concrete! 🤘🛹
Joe –
I ride them on my surfskate, they are very good for the bad cracky sidewalk concrete in my hometown. Feels like rolling on a cloud compared with normal skateboard wheels. I can recommend them for use on a pumptrack and in a bowl, too.
Keep the good work alive!